رسالة رئيس مجلس الادارة
مركز قطينه الطبي
من أولويات الدكتور عادل قطينه راحة وامان المرضى، العناية والامتياز. فمن حق كل مريض باستشارة خاصة وشرح تفصيلي وبشفافية تامة.
عناية فائقة…نتائج استثنائية
ماذا نقدم
مركز طبي متكامل
مركز طبي متكامل الخدمات تأسس في مطلع العام 2016 يقدم مركز قطينه الطبي خدمات طبية على اعلى مستوى، مجهز بافضل واحدث المعدات والتجهيزات، طاقم محترف وعالي التأهيل لتأمين الافضل في مجال التجميل والترميم.
حجز موعد اونلاين
اسئلة واجوبة
- Q. Am I a good candidate for plastic surgery?
A. Whether you’re a male or female with a good health and realistic expectation, you’re a good candidate for plastic surgery.
- Q. How do I choose the right place to perform my plastic surgery?
A. Choosing the right place to perform your plastic surgery reduces the risk level and complication chances, criteria based on several factors: an ideal facility should have : blook bank, ICU, dedicated anesthesia team and convenient inpatient suites for post operations.
- Q. I want to make a plastic surgery but I prefer a female doctor.
A. At QMC, we have female surgeons team specialized in different aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries.
- Q. What is the ideal age for a surgical face lift?
A. For long lasting results, we recommend surgical facelift 55-65 years old
- Q. Can I breastfeed after breast augmentation surgery?
Breast Implants are placed in pockets below or above the breast muscles away from the milk glands, thus you can continue breast feeding after the scars are healed.
Approximately 95% of women should be able to breastfeed after undergoing breast augmentation surgery, However women who undergo breast lift or breast reduction may have increased risk of loss of lactation due to the cutting of lactation ducts.
- Q. What is the difference between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery?
Reconstructive surgery is performed on abnormal structures of the body, caused by congenital defects, developmental abnormalities, trauma, infection, tumors or disease.
Cosmetic surgery is performed to reshape normal structures of the body, usually to improve form and appearance.
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